Our experts will support the certification of product compliance to requirements of TR CU 032/2013 "On the Safety of High Pressure Equipment". We are working with documents in English and prepare ourselves the necessary documents basing on your factory documentation (including the one made in foreign language) to issue the certificate and / or a TR CU declaration.
TR CU 032/2013 "On the Safety of High Pressure Equipment".
Our experts at any stage of certification advise clients on emerging issues. We provide the following services to our clients:
- Equipment certification support;
- Equipment declaration support;
- Development of technical documentation (technical specifications, safety requirement, operation manual, data sheet);
- Consulting.
Technical Regulation 032/2013 covers the following equipment:
1. Vessels for liquids and gases with pressure above 0.05 MPa.
2. Boilers designed to produce hot water with minimal temperature of 110°C, or steam, where overpressure is above 0.05 MPa, and fire-tube vessels.
3. Pipelines with maximum allowable working pressure over 0.05 MPa, with minimal nominal diameter of 25 mm for gases, vapors and liquids.
4. Equipment components (assembly units) with accessories, designed for installation on the equipment and withstanding the pressure.
5. Fitting for liquids and gases, with minimal nominal diameter of 25 mm and the maximum allowable working pressure of more than 0.05 MPa.
6. Instrumentation indicators and safety devices
7. Pressure chambers (except single-bed medical).
8. Safety devices and instruments
Compliance confirmation
For equipment compliance certification the applicant shall prepare the set of equipment documentation, confirming compliance with safety requirements of this technical regulation according to paragraph 45 of TR CU 032/2013, which includes:
- safety requirement;
- data sheet;
- operation manual;
- design documentation set;
- the effected test and measurements data;
- protocols of equipment tests carried out by the manufacturer, person, authorized by the manufacturer and (or) accredited testing laboratory;
- strength tests results;
- technological regulations and process data (used materials, semi-finished products, components, welding materials, methods and parameters of welding conditions, heat treatment and results of non-destructive testing);
- document confirming the characteristics of the materials and components (if exists);
- documents confirming manufacturer’s specialists and personnel qualification.