
Storage limit - 6 months from the production date. Materials should be stored in a cool place, away from heaters and other sources that produce heat. In the case of the material storage in an open area, the materials should be protected from exposure to sunlight and humidity. Also, please avoid materials storage at the temperatures below 0°C. Frozen material packing is not allowed. The use of material in winter conditions (transportation, storage) – before the refractory work start the material should be placed in a warm premise for at least one day prior to the work start. Minimal material temperature should be +5°C.



Refractory surface must be free from dirt and foreign objects. Before packing start the anchors fixing system must be installed on designed steel structure. The height of the used anchoring elements must be 60-70% of the refractory thickness. To compensate the anchor thermal stress it is recommended to cover them with plastic caps.



These refractory materials do not need pre-installed formwork (or forming), except for the roof, burners covering, refractory holes annular repair, etc.


Material laying.

Packing mass is supplied in polyethylene bags (25 kg) or cardboard boxes (25 kg). This mass is ready for use. In order to reach dense, homogeneous refractory, each layer of material must be thoroughly compacted with air rammer or manual hammer (rubber or wooden mallet). The pneumatic tool should have the 50 mm diameter head (with steel or rubberized base). The entire surface should be packed uniformly, without heaped areas. For every covering layer the previously laid mass must be carefully tamped to achieve the best layers bonding. The mix must be packed with minimal ambient temperature +5°C. It is recommended to pack continuously until the full refractory completion. Refractory is packed layer by layer (recommended thickness 50-65 mm) It is necessary to minimize the interval between two successive packings to ensure proper bonding between two adjacent layers.


Packing finishing.

If the refractory is packed without form, then at the end of the work on the surface of the laid material all bulges should be removed. Never pack the material in the bulge area to the desired thickness. It is recommended to cut the "excess” material. It is necessary to make restrictive vertical expansion joints by 1/3 of the layer thickness to limit the cracks spread. Expansion joints type, their number depends on refractory structure. To ensure free dewatering during the initial heating, it is advisable to drill 2-3 mm diameter holes with 250 mm spread by 2/3 of the layer thickness. The holes should be drilled with 30-45° inclination to the working surface.


Drying and heating.

Each refractory must be dried. For this material heating and drying must be performed immediately after the laying, otherwise the refractory must be carefully covered. These measures must be used to prevent humidity absorption, which impacts material shape and properties. It is necessary to maintain positive temperature in the furnace to protect the material from freezing.

Materials can be heated as follows: 50°C/hour. To schedule heating, you need to take into account other refractory structure materials, and their properties (drying of the insulating layer, thermal expansion of the refractory masonry...).


Important: for phosphate bonded materials the temperature of 250°C must be reached within 4 hours